Your Online Presence - Introduction

Introduction | Prep | Activity | Further Resources


The range of online spaces and informal publication venues you can use to connect with scholars in your field and communicate your work to a broader public.

What you will learn:

  • How to consider your whole online presence, across different platforms
  • Tips on digital privacy

This module will prepare you for:

  • Attending a conference, applying for a job, or seeking collaborators
  • Establishing your expertise as a public intellectual

Table of contents

  1. Prep - Perform an “egosurf” and an “admiresurf” (15 minutes)
  2. Activity - Reflect on your present online presence and your future goals (15 minutes)
  3. Further Resources

Credits: The content for this session was developed over multiple iterations, with contributions from Susan Gilman, Odile Harter, and Colin Lukens.

Introduction | Prep | Activity | Further Resources